It's never too late to be what you might have been!
It's never too late to be what you might have been
Fashion - Floral Print Romper by Sonia Valdés

Una de las prendas que no puede faltar en su guardarropas este verano es el romper. Busquen telas ligeras y frescas para que se sientan cómodas y puedan combatir este calor. Además, les recomiendo que elijan estilos desmangados o strapless. Los estampados flores siempre serán una excelente apuesta durante el verano. Espero les guste. Gracias por sus comentarios.

One of the items that can not miss in your wardrobe this summer is the romper. Look for lightweight and fresh fabrics to feel comfortable and be able to combat this heat. Also, I recommend you choose sleeveless or strapless styles. Flower prints will always be a great bet for the summer. I hope you like it. Thanks for your comments.

Fashion - Floral Print Romper by Sonia Valdés Fashion - Floral Print Romper by Sonia Valdés Fashion - Floral Print Romper by Sonia Valdés Fashion - Floral Print Romper by Sonia Valdés Fashion - Floral Print Romper by Sonia Valdés Fashion - Floral Print Romper by Sonia Valdés Fashion - Floral Print Romper by Sonia Valdés Fashion - Floral Print Romper by Sonia Valdés Fashion - Floral Print Romper by Sonia Valdés Fashion - Floral Print Romper by Sonia Valdés Fashion - Floral Print Romper by Sonia Valdés Fashion - Floral Print Romper by Sonia Valdés Fashion - Floral Print Romper by Sonia Valdés Fashion - Floral Print Romper by Sonia Valdés Fashion - Floral Print Romper by Sonia Valdés Fashion - Floral Print Romper by Sonia Valdés Fashion - Floral Print Romper by Sonia Valdés

I was wearing:
Romper: Forever21

Hair & Makeup by Blush

Photos: Alvaro Rosales, Bokeh Studio

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