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MBFW Day 2

La semana pasada se llevó acabo por primera vez en El Salvador el Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. El Día 2 presentaron sus colecciones la diseñadora salvadoreña Andrea Ayala y el guatemalteco Guishem. Me la pasé súper bien con otros bloggers y críticos de moda que estuvieron presentes durante el evento. Les comparto fotos de mi look gracias a MINE. ¡Amé ese vestido! El estampado es lindísimo y su diseño hace que se adapte perfectamente a la silueta. Espero les guste. Gracias por sus comentarios.

Last week was the first Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in El Salvador. On Day 2 presented their collections, Salvadorean designer Andrea Ayala and Guatemalan Guishem. I had a great time with other bloggers and fashion critics who were present during the event. Here are some photos of my look thanks to MINE. I loved that dress! The print is very pretty and its design makes it perfectly suits the figure. I hope you like it. Thanks for your comments.

Fashion - MBFW Day 2 by Sonia Valdés Fashion - MBFW Day 2 by Sonia Valdés Fashion - MBFW Day 2 by Sonia Valdés Fashion - MBFW Day 2 by Sonia Valdés Fashion - MBFW Day 2 by Sonia Valdés Fashion - MBFW Day 2 by Sonia Valdés Fashion - MBFW Day 2 by Sonia Valdés Fashion - MBFW Day 2 by Sonia Valdés MBFW-Day2_0826 Fashion - MBFW Day 2 by Sonia Valdés Fashion - MBFW Day 2 by Sonia Valdés Fashion - MBFW Day 2 by Sonia Valdés Fashion - MBFW Day 2 by Sonia Valdés Fashion - MBFW Day 2 by Sonia Valdés Fashion - MBFW Day 2 by Sonia Valdés Fashion - MBFW Day 2 by Sonia Valdés Fashion - MBFW Day 2 by Sonia Valdés Fashion - MBFW Day 2 by Sonia Valdés

I was wearing:
Dress: MINE 

Hair & Makeup by Blush

Photos by Fotografika

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