It's never too late to be what you might have been!
It's never too late to be what you might have been


marzo 8, 2018

¡Feliz Día Internacional de la Mujer!

Definitivamente las mujeres somos seres extraordinarios, que merecemos ser valoradas y respetadas. Nunca he entendido por qué dicen que somos el sexo débil, si la evidencia demuestra todo lo contrario. Es importante transmitirles eso a nuestras niñas para que crezcan sabiendo que pueden lograr lo que se propongan y que el cielo es el límite. Debemos crear para ellas y para nosotras una sociedad en la que nos sintamos seguras, protegidas, amadas… para que se conviertan en mujeres con una autoestima alta y tengan confianza en sí mismas.

Las mujeres somos independientes, tenemos una fortaleza impresionante. Sólo vean cuántas mujeres son los pilares de sus familias, son esas rocas detrás de hombres igualmente maravillosos, son las que realizan la labor de crear niños fuertes, con principios y valores, son las que salen a trabajar y luego llegan a sus casas a seguir cuidando de otros.

Mujeres, es importante que sepan lo increíbles que son cada una de ustedes. Todas desempeñamos roles importantes en la sociedad en la que vivimos y en las vidas de las personas que nos rodean. Recuerden que ustedes valen mucho y no permitan que nada ni nadie les haga creer lo contrario. Ámense, respétense y cuídense. Cultiven su ser interior, busquen formas de mantener alta esa autoestima y nunca duden de la fortaleza que tienen, porque somos capaces de lograr lo imposible.

Espero les guste. Gracias por sus comentarios.

Happy International Women’s Day!

Without a doubt women are extraordinary beings, who deserve to be valued and respected. I have never understood why people say we are the weaker sex, if the evidence shows the opposite. It is important to transmit that to our girls so that they grow up knowing that they can achieve what they set out to do and that the sky is the limit. We must create for them and for us a society in which we feel safe, protected, loved … so that they become women with high self-esteem and have confidence in themselves.

Women are independent, we have an impressive strength. Just see how many women are the pillars of their families, are those rocks behind equally wonderful men, are those who do the work of creating strong children, with principles and values, are those who go out to work and then come to their homes to continue taking care of others.

Women, it is important that you know how incredible each one of you is. We all play important roles in the society in which we live and in the lives of the people around us. Remember that you are worth a lot and do not allow anything or anyone to make you believe otherwise. Love yourself, respect yourself and take care of yourself. Cultivate your inner being, look for ways to keep that self-esteem high and never doubt the strength you have, because we can achieve the impossible.

I hope you like it. Thanks for your comments.

Mujeres Mujeres Mujeres Mujeres Mujeres Mujeres Mujeres Mujeres Mujeres Mujeres Mujeres Mujeres Mujeres Mujeres

I was wearing:
Shirt: Kriado
Jeans: Zara
Bag: LongChamp
Shoes: Flexi

Hair & Makeup: Iconos Hair & Makeup
Photos: Shift and Control
Location: Holiday Inn San Salvador

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